digital marketing

Complete Guide to Digital Marketing Future in India 2022

Digital marketing in India has become an essential aspect of today's businesses, it's beneficial to grasp the digital marketing future in India and comprehend its potential in terms of career opportunities, job opportunities, and compensation in the country.

The following are the subjects discussed in this blog to provide you with a more in-depth understanding of this profession.

In essence, Digital Marketing is a realistic approach used by businesses to connect to clients and persuade them to purchase their products. Email marketing, blogging, social media marketing, and so on are all examples of this.

Instagram is a real-life illustration of digital marketing. It is now the most widely used social media network. Every firm, from startups to well-known corporations, uses Instagram to promote its products.

Why is the internet so important in India?

internet in india

Indians nowadays utilise the internet for nearly everything. Everything is possible online, including online studying, posting on social media, watching Netflix, reading e-books, playing video games, and paying bills, therefore the period of time Indians spend online is steadily increasing. India is overtaking China among the most important markets for online activity.

But although TV remains the most popular form of entertainment, with 58.7% of people preferring it to other forms, digital is gaining up. On average, Indians spend 1 hour and 30 minutes every day on digital media.

Developments in Digital Marketing

Among the most rapidly evolving areas are digital. AI was a distant future just a few years back, but now it is at the centre of global industry and business.

You may utilise AI to automate your advertisement buying with targeted advertisements, which lets you focus on your target audiences. Conversational marketing establishes a one-on-one interaction between consumers and online marketers.

Smart speakers and voice searches Changing people's search habits and tailoring your articles for voice searches can open up new doors for your company. The list continues on and on: browser text alerts, A/B testing, responsive content, and so on.

One of the key reasons for the digital marketing industry's growth is that marketers are discovering new techniques to successfully target their clients.

What is the digital marketing future in India?

digital marketing future in India

As per a report, the Indian market for digital marketing jobs will be worth $160 billion by 2025, which is three times its current value.

By 2020, digital marketing is predicted to generate 20 lakh employment. By 2021, the number of people using the internet is predicted to reach 800 million.

If you're a digital marketer or aspire to be one, your income will be highly influenced by your abilities. To be successful, you must keep up with the market and keep yourself updated. In this fast-paced sector, the time you stop practising is the day you stop progressing.

Digital marketing will not decelerate, but rather increase. You can grow your firm and achieve a competitive advantage by executing strategic approaches, best practices, and adopting the newest technologies.

Every day, the digital sector advances with Artificial Intelligence, Advertising, Chatbots and Customization & Conversational Marketing. So, if you want to excel in this industry, you must upgrade yourself and your staff.

After Covid-19, what is the scope of digital marketing?

As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, we have witnessed a significant surge in Work from Home (WFH) jobs. Many businesses are migrating to digital marketing for sales and promotions as a result of Covid-19. When India's economy settles down, we should expect a spike in interest for digital marketing experts.

According to certain reports, the demand for digital platforms has surged. Users spend 50% more time on social media. Companies will have a wonderful opportunity to attract these particular users as a result of this.

Many people are now opting for work that is based on GIG (Freelance). Due to several limitations on offline activity, the availability of good freelancers has skyrocketed. The digital marketing future in India is definitely very bright.

Related articles: Impact of Covid-19 on Web Design Company in India 2022

Digital Marketing Jobs and Salaries

digital marketing jobs
Source: Pexel
Digital Marketing Manager

A Digital Marketing Manager's job is to design, create, execute, and oversee a company's core Digital Marketing strategy. A Digital Marketing Manager can expect to earn between 1.9 and 10 LPA on average. The average yearly compensation for professionals with 0–3 years of experience in the field is 4.7 lakhs.

Search Engines Marketer

This position is in charge of ensuring that the organisation is properly presented to prospective customers via search engines.

The purpose of search engine marketing (SEM) is to increase the visibility of a website through paid search, banner advertisements, organic search rankings, and other approaches. A Search Engine Marketer's compensation varies from 2.57 LPA to 7.34 LPA. It is 3.5 LPA for qualified people.

Social Media Marketer

In India, social media marketers have a lot of opportunities for digital marketing. As per the company's business voice, social networking marketers post messages, photographs, and videos on social media platforms. A Social Media Marketer's beginning income is roughly 1.79 LPA and may go up to 7.26 LPA. The median income for an experienced person is 3.5 LPA.

Content Marketer

The complete Digital Marketing team should be represented by a Content Marketer. The expert is in charge of the material created by the team to involve the core demographic. A Content Marketer's compensation in India can vary from 3.7 LPA to 10 LPA. After gaining sufficient experience, the average annual pay will be 6.4 lakhs.

Final Verdict - Digital Marketing Future in India

Change is unavoidable in life. It's better suited to internet marketing. If you really want to stay competitive, you must endeavour to accept technological advances.

You have the option of working full-time as a company's digital marketer or consulting or freelancing options. In terms of digital marketing future in India, has a bright future, and you should take advantage of it. So good luck!